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Personal Training Near Me | Salem, OR Fitness

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Personal training, combined with nutritional guidance and improvements, have the power to transform your life and body. However, what most don’t know is the only way to achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss and body transformation is to follow the three Golden Rules of nutrition, health and fitness. 

Golden Rule #1: Maintain a Caloric Deficit to Shed Fat and Achieve the Body of Your Dreams

What is a caloric deficit? Well, to start you must know what a calorie is. I won’t get overly nerdy here, but the main point is that a calorie is fuel for your body. Think of it like the gasoline you put in your car. But imagine if the gas in your car, instead of just sitting in the gas tank when the car isn’t on, the gasoline instead turns into weight and makes your car heavier!

That’s kind of how calories work. The extra calories you eat or drink and don’t burn off get stored on our bodies, usually as unwanted fat.

There have been some popular theories over the last 20 years or so that wish to steer you of course and make you believe a different narrative. For instance, for a long time—and even still today—it was believed by many that carbohydrates make you fat, and if you eat carbs you’ll get fat, and if you stop eating carbs you’ll lose weight and lose fat. This is why the ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, has become so popular. Cut carbs, lose weight, is the main idea. 

This is true sometimes, but misleading all the time.

How can something be true and misleading at once? Well, it comes down to calories. If you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. 

Often times when people stop eating carbs, the number of calories they consume plummets so low that they start losing weight. Is it because they stopped eating carbs? Well, yes, but it’s not because carbs are the devil and cause you to gain fat. It’s because in this case, the person ate too many carbs and that caused an excess of calories to be consumed. So cutting carbs out caused a caloric deficit, which is when you eat fewer calories than you burn. 

Any personal training near me program that gives you another theory is wrong. Entering a personal training program thinking there is a magic diet that will miraculously cause fat to fly off your body is wrong and misleading. Personal training is fitness related, and nutritional coaching is where fat loss and weight loss happens. 

The first rule of weight loss is you MUST be in a caloric deficit. Eat and drink fewer calories than you burn, and you will surely lose weight. is a great resource.

Golden Rule #2: Lift Weights in Personal Training Near Me

Personal training near me, being fitness related, typically involves weight lifting. Most personal trainers including weight lifting in their personal training programs because it is just so effective for so many fitness goals. 

How does lifting weights with a personal trainer help you shed fat, lose weight and achieve the body of your dreams? 

Let’s talk about the words “toned” and “definition.” Most people want to look toned and have good definition. What does that mean?

That means having a little bit of muscle showing. In order for that to happen, you have to first have enough muscle to show, and second, not have that muscle be surrounded by excess fat. So there are two things at play here: you need muscle mass, and you need relatively low amounts of fat.

Weight lifting and strength training with a personal trainer, in an excellently crafted personal training near me program is an amazing way to both add muscle to your body and shed the fat you don’t want hanging around anymore. Put simply, lifting weights and strength training is the best way known to man to get the toned look you are after. A string bean has no definition, and neither does someone with excess weight. So you need to be the opposite of both of those. Not a string bean, meaning you need muscle, and not having excess weight, meaning you need fat loss and a healthy body fat percentage.

Those who have the toned look with good definition are in this sweet spot.

They have enough muscle to show, and low levels of body fat so the muscle actually does show. 

Here’s another excellent reason to lift weights and strength train. Lifting weights in a quality personal training near me program prevents you from losing muscle as you lose weight. 

Say you are successful in your weight loss efforts and you lose 25 pounds. Do you want to lose 15 pounds of fat and 10 pounds of muscle, or 23 pounds of fat and only 2 pounds of muscle? Of course you want to lose as little muscle as possible and focus exclusively on losing fat. That’s exactly what strength training does for you, if you are on an appropriately planned personal training program. If you have a rookie personal trainer who does not know how to craft an appropriate plan for you and your goals, you will miss the boat and will not have the excellent results you are after. 

This is why the second golden rule is to lift weights. Without lifting weights, you won’t have the body you’re after. 

Golden Rule #3: Keep Doing Rules One and Two while Personal Training Near Me Until You Reach Your Goals

So many people start down a good path but quit early because they don’t see the results they want soon enough. This is true in business and in life. How many people have you known who have quit too early—maybe right before they were about to achieve success? 

On the flipside how many people do you know who were thinking about quitting, but decided instead to stick with it, and then they achieved success and got the results they were after?

Too many people lack the courage, determination and grit to continue pushing forward even in the face of adversity. This is one reason why entering a personal training near me program can be so beneficial. An awesome personal trainer motivates you and keeps you accountable, so you stay on track and you keep moving forward towards your goals. 

Look, life is hard, and people do better when we have a team around us supporting us and guiding us. I’ve worked with coaches my whole life. In sports and in business. I’ve always been better because of it, and you will better, too, if you hire a personal trainer to put you on a great personal training near me program to help you lose weight, achieve fat loss, and earn the body and life of your dreams.

I know you can do this. We can do this together. Request an appointment today to get started. Your first session is just $1.