Personal training in West Salem is what we at the Salem Personal Training and Speed Academy are passionate about. Training truly has the power to transform lives, and we have seen it time and time again. We love being in West Salem. I personally live in West Salem and am passionate about serving my community and those around me. In fact, I do believe that God has given us a calling to aide our neighbors and to foster community. It is without a doubt that people do best in communities. I love living in West Salem and offering personal training in West Salem. I am convinced that the job of being a trainer and offering training in West Salem is one of the best jobs on the world.
Over a Decade of Personal Training Experience
I have been a personal trainer since 2010. With over a decade of personal training experience, I have developed several skillsets which I love implementing, including writing!
The Salem Personal Training and Speed Academy is probably best known for training athletes. I love working with athletes, and I love working with kids and helping them thrive. And I also love offering training for adults like you and I who want to look and feel our best. Let’s face it, as adults we have different needs and different lives than kids. We have stress and worries, like paying a mortgage and maybe raising kids (I know that’s a serious priority for me!). And, we often have different bodies than kids do. Especially kids who are athletes.
That’s one reason training for adults ought to be different than training for athletes. Adults have different bodies and needs. Personal training in West Salem is amazing because I have the opportunity to train both adults and athletes.
Some of my favorite clients I have ever done personal training with have been older adults. I love talking about their life experiences, hearing about what life was like when they were younger, and in general just learning from them and their experience. Training in West Salem gives me the opportunity to learn from many adults who want to improve their health and fitness.
But, how exactly is training for adults different than training for athletes? Let’s talk more about that together.
To start, adults almost never want or need to sprint. Athletes are the exact opposite. Speed training for athletes is critical, as all athletes benefit from being fast and explosive. Adults rarely benefit from being fast and explosive. That is not to say we do not need explosiveness or power, because we do. But it is different, we do not have to run a forty-yard dash. In times of emergency of personal defense, being fast and explosive is important, but that is not what most adults do personal training for. Athletes want training for these things.
So, in training for athletes, we include sprinting. Personal training for adults typically does not include sprinting.
Along the same lines, there are particular strength training exercises that help with sprinting and speed that athletes do in the weight room but adults do not need to do. Training the calf is one such example. Adults can benefit from calf raises, but they do not to train Achilles tendon stiffness or soleus strength as much as athletes do. So personal training for adults tends to include less calf training than training for athletes.
On that note, walking and running hills is great for calf training. Living in West Salem, lots of people walk and run the West Salem hills, so they get a lot of calf training that way!
This is really the biggest differences between training for adults and training for athletes. Athletes sprint, partake in speed training, and do exercises that enhance speed. Adults do not need these types of training.
Really, there is a lot more in common than there are differences in personal training in West Salem for adults and personal training in West Salem for athletes.
Personal Training in West Salem for Athletes and Adults
West Salem personal training for adults and athletes both include strength training, which is the foundation of everybody’s health and fitness. The stronger you are, the better off you are. Now, like all things, there comes a point where doing more is not always better. Right? Like taking vitamins is a good thing, but if you take too many, that could be a problem. Something similar is true for strength training. However, with that being said, most everyday people like you and I will never reach that point. You have to be a truly dedicated and probably a professional weight lifter or powerlifter to ever reach that point. For most normal, healthy adults like you and I, the stronger we get, the better and more healthier we’ll be.
So West Salem personal training for adults and personal training for athletes both share strength training as their heart. Strength training is the foundation.
Personal training for adults also includes core training and core strengthening, just like personal training for athletes does. Athletes do core training, and so do adults. They both have cores. So they both train cores.
Athletes and adults both need to warmup. Now, that warmup may look a little different. Athletes generally move around a lot and do some sprinting and other fast movements, where adults tend to warmup on a bike or a treadmill, which many West Salem personal training programs have available. But the bottom line is, both athletes and adults complete a warmup in training.
West Salem personal training also includes accountability for both adults and athletes. Accountability is a central component of training. Without accountability, you may not do what you need to do outside of the gym in order to get the results your want for yourself. We have to have accountability to make sure we are moving forward as fast as we should be.
If there is one thing I have learned about personal training, it is that it is really a business of relationships. I have seen some really bad trainers who had no clue what they were doing, but they were so likeable as people that they had a full book of clients. That was crazy to me at first, but now I fully understand it. That is why any good training program allows you to develop a strong relationship with your trainer. I love West Salem personal training because the people of West Salem are generally amazing and I love getting to know them. West Salem is a great place, and personal training in West Salem has allowed me to meet and grow close with a lot of great people.
If you live in West Salem, work in West Salem, or just like West Salem and are looking for personal training in West Salem, look no further than the Salem Personal Training and Speed Academy. Contact us today to get your first appointment for just one dollar!