Begin personal training in West Salem today!
Personal training West Salem options are limited, so where would you look, and how would you qualify the person you are to hire as your personal trainer? Being a personal trainer is a wonderful career, and also a heavy responsibility. Most people think of us personal trainers as simply people who like to work out, who are good in the gym, and we think it would be fun to work in a gym and help other people workout, so we become personal trainers. The stereotype is that we are dumb and beautiful. I hope only one of those things is true!
The truth is that the barrier to entry for becoming a personal trainer is abysmally low. The are no standards. It is sad but true. Watch this. Would you like to become a personal trainer and start offering personal training in West Salem? Here’s what you need to do. Raise your hand, and repeat after me: “I am a personal trainer in West Salem!” Poof. Congratulations are in order, because you are now eligible to deliver personal training in West Salem!
Picking the right personal trainer
See how easy that was? It is a sad state but that is all it takes to become a personal trainer. Certifications exist, and those of us who are serious about personal training have the high quality certifications, such as those from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), but many personal trainers who offering personal training do not have any certification whatsoever. Many people offering personal training in West Salem have no formal education and very little informal education or mentoring, yet call themselves a personal trainer and ask people to pay them lots of money for personal training services.
Now, I am not one who believes that credentials are everything, and that just because you have a degree or a certification means you are automatically good at your job. I mean, we hear stories all the time about doctors, teachers, and other certified professionals who are terrible at what they do.
Personal Training West Salem | Don’t Wait To Start
But one thing is for sure. Having an education and a quality certification ensures a baseline level of knowledge and expertise. Imagine if you didn’t have to have school or a board certification to become a doctor. There would still be some doctors who choose to go through school, and those would be the good doctors. And there were would also be a lot of doctors who choose not to do school. They would be like witch doctors. They’d take your money and tell you they are helping you, but they probably aren’t helping you at all. Maybe there would be a select few who choose not to go to school, but who educate themselves and do just fine. These would be few and far between.
It is the exact same with personal training in West Salem. Those who have no education and do not pursue it will, unfortunately, not do a good job. For many personal trainers offering personal training in West Salem, personal training is just a job. It’s a fun job. Basically a hobby.
If you’re going to trust your time, money, life, and results to someone, you want to make sure that person in invested in personal training as a career, not just a hobby or a “fun job.” Unfortunately, that’s exactly what personal training is for many. It is just a fun job they think they can do because they like working out. They bring no level of professionalism to personal training in West Salem, and unfortunately that means you will not receive the excellent results and life changes that you are after and are paying good money for.
What to seek
So what exactly should you look for from personal training in West Salem? Well, you should ask your personal trainer three important questions, and expect good responses.
The first question you should ask is, “why should I trust you to give me the results I am after in personal training?” If your personal trainer cannot muster an answer to this question, then maybe he or she is not very confident in him or herself or in their ability to actually deliver results.
If you asked me why you should trust me, I would break down my exact methods for helping you get from you are now to where you want to be, I’d point to my years of experience in helping people just like you, and if you still were not convinced, I may point to my credentials and accomplishments within my industry of fitness and sports performance. If I did not think I could help you, I would simply tell you that up front. But that has never happened to me before in terms of helping people reach their fitness goals. I can work with just about anybody, assuming you aren’t in need of medical attention.
Planning for success
The second question you should ask is, “what is your gameplan for my personal training in West Salem, and what makes you think it will work?” Once again, your personal trainer should have a plan for your personal training, and if you ask about that plan, there should be a clear rationale and reasoning given for why the plan is constructed as such. In other words, your personal trainer should know what they’re doing and should be able to explain why they are doing what they’re doing. If they can’t, then maybe they really don’t know what they’re doing, and you may not have a great experience with personal training in West Salem as a result.
The third question you should ask is, “what is going to keep me coming back?” Consistency is the biggest key of any health-related endeavor, whether it is medical or fitness in nature. Even if your personal trainer put together the greatest personal training program known to mankind, the plan is worthless if you don’t show up and execute it. So your personal trainer should have a system and a style that keeps you coming back, and he or she should be very intentional about this. If they don’t have a system for keeping you accountable and engaged, then there is an increased chance that you will fall off and stop coming to your personal training in West Salem.
Are you ready to start your personal training in West Salem journey? Start today, your first session is just $1!