The calf muscles are SUPER IMPORTANT for running fast, but are often overlooked in training.
Everybody wants a big squat, deadlift, power clean, and bench press, but…what about big calf numbers?
Calf training may not be as exciting as maxing out on a big squat, but super strong thigh muscles will only get you so far.
The calf helps transfer the force the thigh muscles produce into the ground. Force into the ground is what makes you “go.”
If your calves are weak, you’re leaking speed out and you aren’t able to take full advantage of your thigh muscles (like quads, hamstrings, and glutes).
The above exercise is one of my favorite ways to strengthen the calf muscles. You can even do this at home: just get a belt, fit it to your leg, and push into it as hard as you can, as if you’re trying to snap the belt.
Do five reps of three second, all-out pushes. Three sets per leg.
100% guarantee your calves will be FRIED by the end!
Ask your kids to try this out, and let me know what they think!