The Salem Personal Training and Speed Academy gives the best West Salem Personal Training experience.
If you are looking to get in shape, improve your health and fitness, and look and feel the best you have in years, then I know that the Salem Personal Training and Speed Academy is right for you. Please allow me to explain the three big keys that most adults miss in their personal training and workouts. If you make these three huge mistakes, then you are missing out on a ton of progress and gains. Your time is precious, and I want you to live your best life as soon as possible, which is why I do not want you to make these three huge mistakes in personal training.
Huge Mistake #1: You Never Add Weight!
Here is one of the biggest mistakes I have seen time and time again. Folks in West Salem are no exception. If you never add weight, or always do the same exact weight in your exercises, then you are no longer making progress. You are simply maintaining. West Salem personal training should not be about maintaining.
If you want to look and feel your best, you must go out there and get a little bit better every workout, not just stay the same! Your health and wellness are too important for that, which is why I love offering personal training in West Salem to make sure you reach your goals and make sure your plan is one that will help you reach your health, wellness and fitness goals. Whether that is weight loss, strength training, or something different, I know that adding weight to your lifts will help you get there.
If you keep doing the same thing over and over, and never progress it or make it more challenging, then you are not getting any better. At best, you are maintaining. At worse, you are getting worse!
Personal training is a great way to make sure you do not fall into this trap. As a personal trainer in West Salem who offers personal training in West Salem, it is my job to make sure that you progress and get better, not just maintain. I love helping people get better and achieve goals, which is why I love offering personal training in West Salem.
Huge Mistake #2: You Never Switch Up Your Routine
My last point was if you keep doing the same thing over and over and never progress then you will not get better. That is true. That is why switching up your routine every now and then is a good thing. It forces you to do something different. It is like picking up a new book to read. You are still reading, but it is new. Personal training should build this into your personal training program. You should keep your same routine for four to twelve weeks, but then you should switch it up. Switching your routine offers a few benefits.
First, it keeps personal training fun. West Salem personal training can and should be fun and fresh. If you get bored, you may not come in, and if you do not come in, then you do not exercise and you do not get healthier and move toward your goals. That is why building variety into your personal training is a great idea.
The other part of it is that doing different things in personal training and switching up your routine works your muscles slightly differently, which is a good thing. Personal training should work your muscles in many different types of ways, not just with the same movements over and over again.
Personal training in West Salem with a personal trainer who offers variety will help you reach your goals. Additionally, consider nutritional guidance from someone like Ali Virtue.
Huge Mistake #3: You Do Not Functional Movements in West Salem personal training
Personal training saw a huge movement about a decade ago that pushed people toward functional movement and functional training. Those are buzzwords that still get thrown around today, although they were never really given an official or proper definition. Here’s how I define functional training: training in movement patterns that directly replicate and transfer over to activities you do in your actual life. Sitting on a machine and bending and straightening your knee does not replicate any normal life action. That is not to say that those types of exercises are a waste of time. They surely are not, and a personal training program definitely can include isolation exercises such as that type of machine. But a personal training program is incomplete if functional movements are not present, and the whole exercise routinely consists solely of machines.
Many gyms in West Salem have machines, and machines can be great, but awesome personal training also includes functional movements like lunges, squats, deadlifts, pushups, and rows. Further, personal training programs that include functional training should incorporate unilateral, or one sided movements, like versions of one legged squats and one legged deadlifts. You are probably thinking “there is no way I could do a one legged squat,” but with the proper personal training and guidance, you most certainly can. Believe me, I personally train women in their 70s who are able to do versions of single legged squats. If your grandma can do it, then so can you!
Are you ready to begin?
The biggest reason to include functional movements is because they make their counterparts in your real life easier. For instance, squatting is the equivalent of getting up out of a chair, or lifting a couch off the ground. Lunging replicates losing your balance and falling but catching yourself before you hit the ground. That is of particular importance for those who are elderly and at risk for falling and braking a hip, which has very negative consequences on long term health and lifespan.
If you find yourself making any of these three mistakes, I urge you to find a qualified personal trainer and begin a personal training program right away. You can find the Salem Personal Training and Speed Academy right here in West Salem, and schedule your first session for just $1 today!